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Youth Service/New Generations

HIV/AIDS Campaign

As part of its educational campaign against HIV/AIDS Woonsocket Rotary supports Matthew 25 Youth Alive Clubs program, specifically geared towards high schools across the Eastern Region of Ghana.   Students are trained to become peer educators and counselors to those living with HIV/AIDS.


The purpose of these programs is to help better inform the youth about STDs, in particular HIV/AIDS, and its prevention. The program also helps to eradicate misinformation concerning AIDS and the stigma attributed to people living with the disease.

The Rotary Club of Woonsocket, again this year supported the efforts of Monsignor Bobby Benson and his mission to serve and educate those affected by HIV/AIDS in Ghana. This is the third year Woonsocket Rotary has adopted this very important project in Africa. A full container of medical supplies was sent several years ago and last year a $3000.00 donation was sent for help with the HIV/AIDS hospice program. This year $2500.00 was sent to Ghana to purchase a High End "Image Runner" Copy Machine to assist with their educational programs and assist with their fund raising projects by producing and selling educational materials.

Matthew 25 House (HIV /AIDS)

Matthew 25 House is non-governmental organization that was founded after growing concerns of people suffering from HIV /AIDS. The clinic is situated in Koforidua, in the Eastern Region of Ghana and has the highest number of infected people living with the disease in the entire country. It was established to support and provide services to people infected with HIV/AIDS virus, as well as to their families and others in the community who are infected with the disease.

In general, AIDS kills some 6,000 people each day in Africa - more than wars, famines and floods. Millions of children are orphans; many more live with HIV or AIDS. (bbc.co.uk)

As part of its mission to end the suffering caused by HIV/Aids, Matthew 25 also founded "Youth Alive", a program which sponsors workshops, as well as pamphlets about all its services. In order to print the reading materials for these workshops, as well as pamphlets about all its services, the program needed to purchase a copy machine and supplies.  In addition to providing life saving health information the availability of all these materials also helps to improve the general literacy level of all of Matthew 25's clients. This copy machine will also be used to generate income to run its programs by printing materials, for a fee, for individuals in other agencies.